‘Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field, I’ll meet you there.’
CranioSacral Therapy In-Person & Remote/ Distance Healing
Massage & Combined sessions
Craniosacral Therapy
Helping you heal at the heart of your problem.
Craniosacral Therapy is a soothing, noninvasive, hands-on therapy. It’s light, but deep. Gentle, but gets to the core of the issue.
The craniosacral system includes the brain, the cerebrospinal fluid, the system of membranes inside the cranium, all 22 cranial bones, the spine and the sacrum.
What the Navajo call ‘the wind’s child’, Genesis calls ‘the breath of life’, there is a silent force, a field of chi, which blows through the craniosacral system, animates it, and infuses it with information and intelligence.
It is possible to listen to this field. The ability to do this is called ‘the heart of listening.’
Bronwen Williams is trained in Visionary Craniosacral. A visionary knows how to touch a client with precise and gentle contacts that help the client feel more aligned, and more at home in themselves. Sometimes, by touching just the right place in just the right way, a visionary can help the client understand what troubles them, and what they need to reclaim their equanimity, and their place in life. Such work can also help the client access and release their healing potential.
“Remote sessions with Bronwen are extremely powerful…”
Are you functioning but not thriving?
Are you spectating and not co-creating?
Are you ready to live a freer life?
When we feel out of touch with ourselves it can affect all aspects of our lives. Our personal and professional relationships suffer, our work might suffer, our home life might suffer. Often when we feel absent in our lives our children are unable to access us, connect with us, and may develop their own feelings of stress and anxiety. Sometimes we can’t get out to see a therapist, and sometimes we might feel too exhausted, too emotional, or just unwilling to interact with the outside world. This is where Remote CranioSacral can really help.
In the comfort and safety of your own home remote sessions help clarify what feels foggy, unmanageable or stressful within your system or in your life. Once the body becomes aware of its own inner wisdom, healing occurs on a cellular level, and you can more easily and accurately figure out a problem, illness or challenging situation.
In some cases Remote CranioSacral work is more effective than in person sessions.
Remote CranioSacral can help:
Reduce stress and tension
Calm and revitalise the nervous system
Reclaim your sense of self
Improve sleep
Help with post traumatic stress disorder
Prepare for surgery
Recovery from surgery
Headaches, Migraines
Jaw tension, clenching, grinding, TMJ
Emotional problems
Life transitions